Why the 1,000 Step Challenge?

While many towns are working towards ‘walkability’, how accessible are they for folks with limited mobility?   

The inaugural 1,000 Step Challenge will help to raise awareness for the issues faced by those with mobility disabilities by drawing our attention to the accessibility of our daily routines. 

Take a moment to reflect on the following questions:

  • How many isles in a grocery store do you have to walk to get your families groceries?  
  • How far away from your work do you have to park, or walk from a bus stop?   
  • How far is parking at your child’s school, or your local hair dresser?  
  • How many flat accessible walking paths are there in your town?   
  • How often do you see clean benches in your downtown area of people to rest while walking to and from shops?  
  • Does your favourite clothing store have seats for people to rest on between changing? 
  • Is there accessible parking at your local town/city’s outdoor spaces? Beaches? Coffee shops? 

Accessibility matters:

While some people may not be able to ‘walk the beach’, they may enjoy sitting in their car, drinking a hot chocolate and watching the boats on the water. Is there access for those with mobility issues to partake and enjoy the outdoor spaces in your town? Is the pavement flat?  

Cobblestones or brick sidewalks that are not flat can be a massive barrier to some people, as can steep slopes for rain run-off or drain entryways. It is easier to ensure infrastructure accommodates for people with disabilities at the time of installation, rather than try to resolve the issue afterwards.    

The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) is proud to launch the 1,000 Step Challenge to raise awareness and support for Indigenous people living with a disability, and advocate for a society that is safe, accessible, and inclusive of all.



1,000 Step Challenge by the BCAAFC

BC Friendship Centres are not-for-profit, Indigenous-led, social service organizations that work to promote, develop and deliver accessible programs and services that support Indigenous peoples living in urban areas and away from home to achieve their vision of health, wellness and prosperity. Connect with your local Friendship Centre.