1,000 Step Challenge Social Media Toolkit
November 6 to 12: We’re asking folks to try limiting their daily step count to 1,000 steps a day to raise awareness for the barriers faced by millions of Canadians who have a mobility disability.
Often, health and wellness advocates define a healthy person as someone who walks 10,000 steps a day – meanwhile, municipalities continue to overlook accessibility rights within their jurisdictions.
How could our communities be more accessible and inclusive?
The inaugural 1,000 Step Challenge asks people to engage in these conversations and take action to let their municipal representatives know that supporting accessibility and inclusion is important.
Sample social media posts:
Right-click, or click and hold, over the images below to save to your desktop or mobile phone. Post to your social media accounts to promote the #1000StepChallenge and share your support for accessibility and inclusion. Copy and paste one of the suggested captions, and/or include your personal thoughts regarding the challenge.
Facebook – Like our page @1000StepChallenge

Suggested caption:
Imagine a daily limit of 1,000 steps or less to get to work, the grocery store, a doctor’s appointment, or a social event – how would this impact your life?
This #IndigenousDisabilityAwarenessMonth, take part in the 1,000 Step Challenge to raise awareness for the barriers faced by the millions of Canadians who have a mobility disability.
Sign up at www.1000StepChallenge.ca and join the conversation on accessibility and inclusion in your community.
Instagram – Follow us @1000StepChallenge

Suggested caption:
Imagine a daily limit of 1,000 steps or less to get to work, the grocery store, a doctor’s appointment, or a social event – how would this impact your life?
This #IndigenousDisabilityAwarenessMonth, take part in the 1,000 Step Challenge to raise awareness for the barriers faced by the millions of Canadians who have a mobility disability.
Sign up at www.1000StepChallenge.ca and join the conversation on accessibility and inclusion in your community.
Twitter – Tag @BCFriendshipCentres

Suggested caption:
This #IndigenousDisabilityAwarenessMonth, join the #1000StepChallenge to raise awareness for the barriers faced by the millions of Canadians with a mobility disability.
Sign up at 1000StepChallenge.ca and join the conversation on accessibility & inclusion in your community.